Single CTSD Membership
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego Membership - 1 year, 1 person. Includes $1.50 online transaction fee.
You can now renew for multiple years! Select “Quantity” to choose how many years you’d like to sign up for or renew.
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego Membership - 1 year, 1 person. Includes $1.50 online transaction fee.
You can now renew for multiple years! Select “Quantity” to choose how many years you’d like to sign up for or renew.
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego Membership - 1 year, 1 person. Includes $1.50 online transaction fee.
You can now renew for multiple years! Select “Quantity” to choose how many years you’d like to sign up for or renew.
This membership (new and renewal) grants you (as available):
the monthly newsletter (emailed),
exclusive invitations to club meetups, events, and tours,
access to other Tbird members, and
access to buy members-only merchandise (club logo t-shirts, jackets, etc).
Your dues goes toward maintaining the club and supporting our community.
CTSD is a nonprofit 501(c)7.
[NOTE: Classic Thunderbirds Club International (CTCI) requires a separate membership, available at CTCI.]